March Update

March Update

Hello everyone!

March is here and so is a new update on my shop!

Starting on the 14th, I will be removing the valentines day couples commissions from my kofi and moving them to my fiverr at a less discounted price. My kofi shop is now open and I will be selling $10 pngtubers for personal and commercial use! As of right now I have four designs with more on the way, one or two designs will be added each week for the next month or so. 


My convention schedule is going up today with my approved cons and will also be updated more accordingly. I will be attending Anime Boston again this year and plan to have more merchandise for you all, some based on past suggestions that you guys have given me from my first table experience.


I have reached over 1,000 followers on tiktok now! That means I can start livestreaming through the app and I plan on doing so come April to show how I con prep and also how I make my art. I hope to see you there!

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